
Echoes of Resolve

In the whirlwind of days, I've lost my stride, Procrastination's grip, a relentless tide. Games and movies, my refuge and stay, While responsibilities fade, day by day. A burnout brews, its embers ignite, Meaning eludes, lost in the night. Loneliness whispers, graduation draws near, Friends drifting away, a looming fear. Tasks stack high, burdens to bear, Yet hope flickers, amidst despair. Dreams of comfort in the years ahead, Or perhaps redemption before I tread. Through the haze, I seek a guiding light, To reclaim purpose, to set things right. Though shadows linger, I'll fight the storm, For in resilience, new beginnings form

A Rift Unfolds

In pursuit of love, I dared to tread, Approaching her with hopes widespread. Signs of interest, moments divine, We conversed, our souls entwined. But then a chill, a sudden frost, Her warmth retreated, connections lost. Four messages languish, left unread, Silence echoing, filling me with dread. This sting, it cuts far deeper now, Than past rejections, I must avow. Confessions then brought closure sweet, Yet now, uncertainty's cruel defeat. Why won't it work, this budding chance? I confide in friends, share this dance. Disappointment weighs heavy, I confess, In the shadow of unspokenness.

What Would It Feel Like to Be Loved by Me?

Sometimes I ponder what it's like to be loved by me, Does it compare to savoring warm soup on a rainy eve? Or perhaps it's akin to reuniting with a long-lost friend's embrace? Does it bring the relief of returning home after a weary trip away? Is it akin to finally resting after days of relentless toil? Or is it stifling? Confining? Like chains upon your soul? Does it mirror the unease of a stray dog's bark in the night? Or the tedium of enduring a lackluster TV show? Or the frustration of being silenced in a crowded conversation? Am I too intense? Too reserved? Too difficult to cherish? Why does the mere contemplation leave my heart bruised and wary, As if I'm mourning the absence of affection in my own musings?